Long Hidden

I’ve been remiss plugging a project I had the privilege of contributing to: Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History is an anthology of fantasy stories set in the past (1400s to 1900s) with an emphasis on featuring marginalised peoples—characters you may not see often in more mainstream fiction. (There’s a review I recommend of this book from the Lesbrary because, pictures.)

Long Hidden Cover

I was given two stories to illustrate. The protagonist for “The Heart and the Feather” was a real historical figure of whom oil paintings existed, so I based my own drawing on these. The other was The Oud (second story in the book), in which the protagonist was a mother with a young daughter—no surprises that I connected with her and found that story especially powerful. I can’t say more—spoilers!

For more information on the book, visit the website!

About Janet

Janet is the artist and creator behind the Self-Love Oracle. Painting and drawing since childhood and holding a B.A. in Journalism, she's worked in historical tourism, education, and publishing; and just completed her Master of Counseling. After her experiences with motherhood, divorce, new age and the supernatural, she believes in healing through self-exploration and creative expression.

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